As of March 2015

Progress! The cupola (which is important for passive solar ventilation) is installed and the roof (which is insulated against the heat of the sun) is on! Now the windows are being fitted and installed and the floor will be finished. Soon, the library construction will be complete! The Conseil Administratif (the library advisory committee formed by ODES members in Deschapelles) in collaboration with the SCEH Library Committee have been busy training and hiring librarians; selecting and purchasing books; selecting electronic sources of reading/research materials; and selecting and purchasing furnishings.

Many thanks to FOKAL (La Fondation Connaissance et Liberté/Fondasyon Konesans Ak Libète), an independent foundation in Haiti supported by the Open Society Institute and other international and local organizations. Since 1995, FOKAL provides a range of educational, human development and economic activities to the local communities and community civil society organizations in the country and has become the leading independent organization shaping the future of Haiti.